2015년 6월 13일 토요일

Analysis of mock interview

First, i think i need to do eye contact. sometimes i look down i think it is bad habit.

Second, when i was talking about somthing, i touch my ear. i have to fix it

Third, i don't have experience to relate to my job. i think it is very important. i need to that.

Fourth, i often use  you know sentence. i reduce that.

fifth, when i talk about question, my answer is wrong. so i rethink about that and i have to find solution.

after this job interview, i feel i am a lack of my english ability and study more hard. i need to have experience to relate my job. Because of this video, i can look to my bad habit. i think it is very good chance. i think if i fix those, i can be better person. it is very good time.  i realize many things.
Thank you very much. this project will be good experience for me.

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